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Average: 5 (2 votes)

_VIKA.NOVA_'s picture
Written on Thursday, December 21, 2017
Pros: comfortable, compact size, excellent sound, solid wire, sound
Cons: not actually affordable

Hello guys!

I’m writing a review of the Beats brand and wonder how clear the sound of music it offers.

The headphones retail in this box. I don’t know the price of them or a place of purchase, since my mum presented me with them. Honestly, I would have never bought them myself as the price is pretty high and I can’t say that I’m a big fan of music.

Yet, these headphones offer excellent clarity when it comes to the sounds! They are so loud and pure! And the headphones themselves are very comfortable to wear. I appreciate that I can easily fold them up and take up with me and they won’t take too much space.

There was also a charger provided. It’s also very convenient.

And of course, I can’t miss out mentioning the design. It’s gorgeous!

I know that they offer a great selection of colors. I respect this brand, hence I recommend its product. Smile I hope that my review was useful and listen to only good quality pure sounds of music!

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_VIKA.NOVA_ recommends Monster Beats Studio Headphones by Dr. Dre

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