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Mrs_brooke's picture
Written on Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Hi everyone,

I’ve been using the Tangle Teezer for a really long period of time. I was totally pleased with the results except for the moment when I had to brush my wet hair.

Recently I’ve tested another The Wet Brush bestseller designed specifically for wet hair. Now I’d like to share my opinion about the find!

Country: UK

Price point: ca. $10

The item came in a thick transparent plastic box, which had all the necessary information in English.

The bristles are rubberized. The thin and very flexible brush detangles hair easily without pulling or damaging it. The Wet Brush works great on wet and dry hair. It is also perfect for straight, curly, thick and thin hair and hair extensions & wigs.

I have a pink brush with a water drop effect. The launch is limited, therefore the tool is a little bit more expensive than the other colors of the brand.

My hair is thick and almost straight. When it’s dry it looks like I’ve used a hair straightener after brushing. Unfortunately, I don’t like doing it with the Tangle Teezer, as it pulls out my wet hair. Moreover, my hair tangles madly, especially when the wind is blowing…

My hair after the constant use of the Tangle Teezer:

I had high hopes for this Wet Brush, but the effect was the same as with the Tangle Teezer. Sad. However, I found the way out and now I brush my dry hair with it only. The result is great and the brush doesn’t pull out my hair.

In the left picture I have uncombed damp hair and in the right one you can see my hair after just a few brushings:

I love using this brush for totally dry hair! It detangles gently and doesn’t pull out my hair. What I particularly like about the tool is the massaging plastic coating on each bristle tip. It’s so divine!

What is more, my hair has no split ends even after 3 months.

The only con that bothers me is that my hair got very static-y in a week. Therefore I have to sprinkle an anti-static spray to my hair.


I’d like to say that this brush has replaced my Tangle Teezer for good. Now I take it everywhere with me, which is convenient due to its size Smile

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Mrs_brooke recommends The Wet Brush

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Type: Brush
Brand: The Wet Brush
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