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Written on Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Pros: dissolves beautifully, glitters, unreal smell

Hello people!

It was my mum’s birthday and of course I had to present her with something that she likes. I know that she is a fan of bath stuff: different bath foams, gels, etc. And when I was thinking about it, I immediately decided to visit the Lush store and buy something unusual for her. When I was there I couldn’t decide what to buy as there were so many things - bombs, oils, etc, but I finally decided to treat her with some bombs.

Beforehand I watched a dozen of videos on YouTube where they told and showed what actually happens with the bomb when you drop it into the water. I liked those videos so much that I decided to pick up three different ones as a present. So today I’ll tell you about the most beautiful bomb - Shoot For The Stars


Price: $13

I can say that this bomb is worth every cent I paid for it.

Appearance: blue bomb with the stars on Smile It’s so cute!

Use: All you need to do is to drop it into your tub and enjoy the show. Besides, your skin will be uber moisturized after the bath.

Peculiarities: the water will become blue with an abundance of glitter and stunning smell.

In the picture below you can see that all the glitters are placed inside of the bomb. It looks so captivating when the bomb is fizzing.

But at first it wasn’t at all beautiful.

The thing was that when we dropped the bomb into the water it started fizzing but it was so lame. I was already almost upset when I remembered that they advised to take the bomb out of water, wait a bit and drop again. We did so and it worked! Maybe we faced that problem because we didn’t turn the bomb over in the tub, I don’t know.

Bottom line: This bomb is a cool present and I definitely recommend to give it a go!

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animadverter recommends Lush Shoot for the Stars Bath Bomb

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