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HelenK1978's picture
Written on Monday, June 5, 2017
Pros: a safe cleaner, easy to use and clean

There’s an abundance of vacuum cleaners with different functions, prices and specifications today.

Well, I’d like to share my experience with you. For the last few years I’ve been using a vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter, but I’m sick of it. I had to spend a lot of time washing and drying the filter.

I was so tired of it that I didn’t even wash it every time after the use, thus it smelled badly in the house.

That’s why my husband and I decided to change our vacuum cleaner as soon as possible, provided that the new one would be powerful, with a small cyclone filter which keeps the dust safely inside and doesn’t need to be washed.

After surfing the Internet, I've decided that we should buy Dyson DC52 Allergy Parquet.

Why this cleaner?

The main advantage is that you don’t have to wash the filter after using. You just push the right button and it would clean itself.

As for me, I push it every two weeks, because we don’t have carpets, there’s laminate flooring everywhere.

That’s how Dyson DC52 Allergy Parquet looks like:

That’s it! It will take you 5 mins to clean your house and you’re free. Moreover, you don’t have to buy or change any filters or bags for the cleaner.

We’ve been using it for a year now and the suction power didn’t get worse.

However, this vacuum cleaner is a bit pricey, but it’s totally worth it. I think it’s going to perform for a really long time and who knows, may be our whole life!

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HelenK1978 recommends Dyson DC52 Allergy Parquet Vacuum cleaner

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Brand: Dyson
Category: Home appliances
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