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Katy.B's picture
Written on Thursday, June 1, 2017
Pros: compact and ready to use, cordless, high performance, lightweight
Cons: low battery life

Recently I bought this fabulous vacuum cleaner and forgot all my troubles with cleaning the house. It's easy to use, as it’s lightweight and portable. You can clean the house and remove cat hair whenever you want.

We’ve got a small kid crawling everywhere, that’s why it’s especially important to us.

The cleaner is so light, that you can hold it in one hand and your baby in another. It’s easy to get rid of fine rubbish and not to use a chunky mains-powered cleaner.

It’s not noisy and it doesn’t leave dust and cat hair on the carpet.

Before, I was coming home with my kid and had to drag the corded vacuum cleaner all over the house and vacuum the small stones which stuck in the stroller’s wheels, but now I can clean it up with Dyson quickly without even undressing.

Vacuum cleaner
Vacuum cleaner

It’s also convenient to use it in your car. Thus you can clean hard to reach corners without fuss.

I used to clean my car with a car vacuum cleaner, but it’s suction power is so bad.

Now I can vacuum my car properly, as Dyson power is great! It’s total bang for your buck!


The furniture head is great on pet hair. The head can be used for hard to reach places and removes dust in the furniture seams easily.

In addition, you’ll have no difficulty in washing the vacuum cleaner. The bin is small, but it’s good for cleaning the house on the first go. It opens up easy-peasy, so I forgot about all these vacuum bags.

Moreover, it’s irreplaceable for kitchen, because it vacuums fine garbage perfectly. It’s very useful when the kid has spilled something and you need to clean it up quickly.

I would recommend Dyson V6 to mommies and busy people.

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Katy.B recommends Dyson V6 Fluffy Vacuum cleaner

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Brand: Dyson
Category: Home appliances