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Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

objective's picture
Written on Monday, June 24, 2019

Hello there!

For me, mascara is the most important product in my makeup bag. So, I need a good makeup remover as much as I need a good mascara.

Of course, it’s great if a mascara can be washed off with water but most frequently it doesn’t come off and turns my eyes panda-esque. And against those black circles, I’ve found the best product for makeup removing. It’s a bi-phase Eye Makeup Remover from Sephora.

Why do I love it so much? Back in the day, I used to use other products but one day I found this one in a beauty glam box and since then I’ve been purchasing it again and again.

  • First and the most important thing is that it doesn’t provoke any allergic reactions

  • it removes my mascara and waterproof eyeliners with ease. Even if it seems that my skin is clean after washing, I can still see some leftovers of my makeup sitting on a cotton pad.

  • Even though the texture is oily, it’s way lighter than cleansing milk. I can wash it off with water or leave on my skin without rinsing.

  • The product works great before and after a face wash, as well as over my wet skin.

  • It’s nice to shake and mix the formulas together.

  • The product goes a long way, so the price and the quality are justified.

It seems very stylish on my vanity table or bathroom shelf. By the way, it doesn’t go bad even if I keep it in my warm bathroom.

I use it not only as an eye makeup remover but also for my skin.

From me, I can recommend it for people with problematic and allergic skin because it doesn’t make my skin react negatively.

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objective recommends Sephora Waterproof Eye Makeup Remover

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Brand: Sephora
Category: Skin Care
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