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liren's picture
Written on Monday, October 30, 2017

All children love board games. That’s a good way to gather the whole family around the table and spend an evening together.

My daughter isn’t interested in regular toys, which can stand on shelves for weeks, and I’m the only one who moves them. My child is more interested in books, puzzles and painting, and now in board games, which I started to introduce into our family in order to diversify our evenings.

I bought The Melissa and Doug Suspend Game on Amazon for $12.

I was pretty surprised when I received it, because I thought it would be much smaller.

Inside, there are real wire pieces: 24 rubber-tipped rods in different sizes.

There was also a wooden base, four frame rods and a die, which determines the color of the next rod.

The rules are quite simple: you have to build the construction from these wire pieces, and add new pieces so that it doesn’t fall. The higher it gets, the louder it falls.

Players: 1 - 4. Of course, it’s more fun to play in a big group.

Usually, there are three of us playing this game, when our youngest is sleeping. Otherwise he intervenes with the only goal: to destroy everything.

At first it may seem that the game is too simple, but you have to prove your sense of balance, sleight of hand and coordination in order to win, because with each new piece, the balance shifts and the construction becomes unstable.

Sometimes we build such strange constructions that we’re afraid to touch them, but the thrill makes us continue playing.

It’s recommended for kids from 8 years old on. My daughter has been playing since she turned 3 years old. Maybe she’s a bit clumsy, but she has a lot of fun with this game. Sometimes I even see her playing alone.

We are having a lot of fun with this amazing game, plus it refines our motor skills and attention. Great game for children's fingers!

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liren recommends Melissa & Doug Suspend Family Game

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Type: Family Game
Category: Toys