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GAME_OVER's picture
Written on Tuesday, May 30, 2017

❀ ❀ ❀ Hello everybody! ❀ ❀ ❀

My husband wanted to buy this headset recently, and was almost going to order it online, when we found it in the nearest shop in our city. So, I received a long-desired present.

What is it actually?

The packaging is good, there was a protecting box inside!

Technical characteristics:

Name of the product: PlayStation VR

5.7-inch OLED Screen

Resolution: 1,920 x RGB x 1,080 (960 x RGB x 1,080 per eye)

Refresh Rate: 120Hz, 90Hz

100-degree field of view

Integrated microphone, accelerometer, gyroscopes

Manufacturer: Sony

Review Price: £349.00

How it looks


First impression

When I put it on for the first time it seemed amazing! As if I entered another world, a parallel universe, the next dimension! You can look around, see what's behind or up. At first you just sit stunned. What technology has reached! The truth then turns out that this is not a technique, but actually recorded on film. And about it:


-This is something completely new! Games are perceived quite differently. You really dive into their reality. But this technology still needs developing.

-Quality. Above all praise! Sony is Sony Smile

-Light weight and convenient. The headset is adjustable for the size of your head. You can zoom in/out the lenses, and also it has special cushions that distributes the pressure evenly. The headset is not heavy at all and it doesn’t deliver discomfort carrying it on head (for a short time).

- The design. The helmet is really beautiful! It looks like some kind of cosmic gadget from the future! When it turns on - the bulbs light up with a blue light.


-The first goes the price, of course! Not everyone can afford to spend so much money. In my opinion, it's not worth its money.

-A pixel grid is visible on the screen, especially if you were looking at non-moving objects. In the process of playing, just try not to pay attention to it.

- Not very many games! So you can wait to buy this gadget! There’s nothing much to play. And as for those games that exist, I can’t say that they are real games. They look like a long and tedious cartoon.

-Not very good graphics. Graphics in the existing content looks dated :( No drawing of details, as if playing in some sketches, not full games.

-May cause nausea. In some moments I felt nausea, especially if I played for a long time without a break.

-Can cause headaches. Sometimes, while playing, my head starts aching, although usually I don’t suffer from it. I can’t figure out what is the reason for that. Maybe headset presses my head too much, maybe it feels because of the image (by the way, I doubt that such games are useful for sight), it is also possible that this happens because of tiredness. It doesn’t ache each time. Sometimes I can play for half an hour, and sometimes I turn it off almost immediately.


I want to say, there are a lot of cons. I’d say that I don’t recommend this product for buying. Also, it’s not for me (because of headaches). And I’ll won't play it very often. Or won’t at all. I’m waiting for Resident Evil 7 to be released.

And a piece of advice for those who want to buy it: Test that product before buying, you can always visit a friend and check it out.

I think that the product needs developing. I don’t recommend it.

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GAME_OVER doesn't recommend Sony Playstation VR

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Type: VR
Brand: Sony
See also