This review will be about my experience with the LV handbag.
I think a woman should never cut corners on shoes and bags, especially when she’s in her thirties. I don’t have any Chanel, Dior or Hermes bags in my collection, because I can’t afford them yet, but LV is the most affordable option in the high-end segment.
So, three years ago I purchased my Speedy 30 in Vienna, Austria. I was sure that I wouldn’t sell it, that’s why I had my initials hot stamped on it.
It took 1-2 days and it’s free. You can either have your initials printed on the bag, or the brand logo. You can also choose the font and color.
The quality of my Speedy is simply great. The only thing that bugs me is the lock tend to fade. I clean it with a regular toothpaste, and it works!
I purchased the iconic Speedy 30 in Damier Ebene (brown chess pattern), and without a shoulder strap. By the way, the handbag would be more expensive with one.
Please note that all the genuine handbags:
- can be fixed in the LV Shops, if necessary:
- handles, shoulder straps can be replaced, and zipper cleaned.
- You can also buy a new lock, if you lost yours.
The only thing that can’t be replaced is the bag canvas, so take care of it. Even though it’s supposed to be super durable, I doubt it can stand something like extremely cold weather, because it’s not leather! The canvas of LV bags is made of coated cotton.
I don’t use my Speedy 30 everyday. Sometimes, it stays in its dusty drawer for months. It still looks brand new.
I chose Speedy 30 because I think the size is just perfect. For example, I think Speedy 25 is tiny, but everything more than 30 cm. looks like travel bag not for everyday wear.
The special feature of Speedies is the saggy base. There is no base shaper, and if your bag is full, the base deforms. At first, I used to put a magazine at the bottom, but after a while I bought a special base shaper. Its color matches the red lining of my bag.
A few photos of my beauty:
I think that the interior lining might get dirty eventually, so I need to figure out how to clean it.