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Moussse's picture
Written on Tuesday, December 19, 2017

I buy these fruit purees for myself. I use them as a sauce for cheese pancakes, donuts, porridge or anything else! I can even combine them with ice cream.

This very pouch I ate as an appetizer before supper, and there was nothing left for sauce this time:)

Now a few details about the product:

There are so many fruit purees in the Plum Organics line, but as a big fan of Mango, I prefer this very option.

The puree comes in a pouch which can be warmed in a bowl of hot water. But don’t put it in a microwave!

The pouch has a big and colorful cap.

I have no idea why it is so big and with holes

The puree itself...It looks like a fruit puree Smile

It’s pretty thick and filling, homogenous without lumps. It’s 100 percent natural, made of mango.

It’s supposed to provide 40% of a baby's daily value of vitamin A, and 30% of the vitamin C. I don’t know about adults, but I’m pretty sure eating these cannot be harmful.

But it’s really tasty! The puree isn’t too sweet, with a bit of a sour taste. I have a suspicion that it contains apples, but since the manufacturer claims this is 100 percent mango, I’ll believe it.

I only wish these pouches were bigger!

You can buy one for $2.

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Moussse recommends Plum Organics Just Mangos Organic Baby Food Fruit Puree

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Type: Fruit Puree
Brand: Plum Organics
Category: Baby Food