Hello everybody!
I want to start off by saying to all those who are planning to get a puppy: think wisely. Will you be able to become a good owner and a friend for a pet for its entire life?
If there’s a small part of hesitation or doubt in you, then forget about a pet. I can’t look at those announcements where they say that they have to refuse their pet because of some reason. Usually the reasons are the same: they work too much and don’t have enough time, or they move out or pregnancy or anything else. And usually those poor pets are left for somebody absolutely irresponsible. Can you imagine what a pet feels?
Well, let’s stop it here and pass over the positive things 
I was lucky enough to meet the dog of my dreams.
If to speak more precisely, my boyfriend presented me with it on my birthday. For about a year he was listening to my talks about how much I wanted to have a Golden retriever puppy (I’ve fallen in love with this breed after watching TV commercials and films) and that night on my birthday he brought her at our home, she was so little. Her name was Malta. Later I broke up with that guy but still I’m very thankful to him for the best present of my life 
When the dog appeared in the house, it was not reflected on the shoes, wires or documents. Everything was okay and she was playing only with the things that we gave her. There was a problem of teaching her to pee on a puppy pad. It was always off-base: either on a carpet or just on the floor. But luckily it was just the time we could walk her out and train her to do it outside.
I was impressed with how quickly she remembered everything: tricks - what to do and what not to do, people, their names, children who most willingly shared their treats with her, etc. 
For the first six months, she really looked like a small teddy bear and of course we couldn’t have guessed that within a year she would turn into a doggy of 77 pounds. 
At that moment we were living with my parents. I remembered that I read about dogs and their loyalty not only to their owner but also to the people they spend a lot of time with. I have to confess but I was a little bit jealous for her. 
Her charm doesn’t fade over the years and each time walking outside we gather tons of compliments about the dog, while she in turn is very thankful and always wags her tail. By the way, I have noticed that all people treat this dog breed very kindly and nice. Even those ones who are usually grumpy and gloomy will definitely smile looking at this lovely doggy. 
When Malta was small she was very brave, but now this is the most cowardly dog that I know. She might have won the first place if there was a competition of cowardly dogs.
Cats are the greatest fear for her. Several times she got caught by these creatures but since she’s very kind and not aggressive, she only ran away from her enemies.
I can’t omit the theme of coat in my review and especially its shedding. But on a postive side the golden retriever’s hairs is way easier to pick up than the hairs of short-woolled dogs.
Dogs make our life better and I know it for sure! You can have problems with the person of your heart or troubles at work but thanks to the dog, you’ll get over all the mess way better and faster.
Now Malta is 4 years old and during that time we have shared thousands of positive memories
She is a full member of my family and life. I can’t imagine living without her. 
This review may become endless, as there’s always something good that I want to add here about Malta. 
All in all, I want to say that if you decide to have a Golden Retriever dog, then I’m sure you won’t regret your decision! Especially if you have kids. There’s no better dog breed than a golden retriever if you have kids. 
Here are some pictures of the hero of my review