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liren's picture
Written on Thursday, October 26, 2017

I’m dreaming of a medical career for my 4,5 old. I decided to buy this toy (which should be demonstrated on a shelf in biology class), when my daughter started to express her interest to anatomy.

This summer, I bought this SmartLab educational toy at for $19.75.

There was a 12-inch human body model in the box, along with a book describing biological processes and an organizer poster.

Also, there was a special stand and tweezers, with which you can remove all the organs. All these little things make the toy truly realistic.The model is made of transparent plastic, which recreates contours of real human body. It was hard for my daughter to split it up in two parts, so I had to help her.

The model lacks many details like the face, genitals and fingers, because we need to keep our focus on the insides.

There are 9 squishy organs and 27 bones.

When I opened the toy for the first time, I thought: Gross!

The organs are soft and shiny, as though they are moist, plus they are squishy...But don’t forget that it’s an educational toy, very useful and interesting.

Large and small intestines Kidneys, liver, lungs, diaphragm, trachea, heart and stomach.The skeleton is easy to observe. The front part of rib cage can be removed, which allows you to take a closer look at the insides.The muscle system and circulatory system are shown only on one side of the model, but you can still visualize how they work and what kind of tasks they carry out

The ninth organ is the brain. Very realistic. My child can’t eat nuts anymore, because they remind her of the brain.

To my surprise, my daughter wasn’t disgusted by this model. On the contrary, she was so excited! She was eager to satisfy her curiosity.

Now she knows about the main organs, what they look like and what kind of functions they have in the human body.

She says that this model is really fun to play with.

I’m so happy that now I can buy toys like this when my child is interested in anatomy, and she doesn’t have to wait for anatomy classes in school. Plus we, as parents, have the possibility to give answers to childish questions.On the backside of the box we can see the image of another educational model from this series, with a skull and its content.

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liren recommends SmartLab Toys Squishy Human Body Educational Toy

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Brand: SmartLab Toys
Category: Toys
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