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Average: 4 (1 vote)

LiLiA M's picture
Written on Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Hi everyone!

I’ve finally bought an iPhone SE this past fall. The box comes with headphones, which I’m going to review today. I fell in love with them at first, but I’d like to tell you what I didn’t like about them as well.

IPhone EarPods look like this:

The headphones 🎧 look nice and seem really cool and convenient, but things turned out to be absolutely different. The jack is very common and compatible with all cell phones, iPods and laptops.

The earpods are white, so they stain easily and you have to clean them frequently.

The cords are quite tough yet flexible.

The shape of them is unusual and it’s kind of strange for me to put them in my ears. There are 2 sound ports in the earbud.

Apple always promises high-quality sound.

Before I bought their device, I had headphones from my previous cell phone and its sound left much to be desired. So when I purchased Apple, the earpods seemed perfect to me, but when I started listening to different music genres, I noticed that bass tones are hardly audible.

Moreover, when I walked, the earbuds always slipped out, but later I learnt how to fix them in my ear more or less properly. Well, you can walk with these headphone in your ears, but running with them is impossible, which makes me really sad, as the sound quality is really good.

So when you walk, you constantly have to fix the right or the left earbud. Therefore I give a 4 to Apple EarPods. If you can buy other Apple headphones, you should.

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LiLiA M recommends Apple EarPods

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Type: Headphones
Brand: Apple
See also