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Average: 4.8 (5 votes)

Avde eva's picture
Written on Thursday, November 16, 2017
Pros: de-tangling, natural ingredients, smell

Once I read a review where a girl said that she was completely in love with the Desert Essence Hair conditioners. Since I’m a fan of all-natural products, of course I couldn't resist and bought a few packages of different conditioners by this brand for myself to give them a go.

I’ll start off by saying that my hair doesn’t like silicone-based products so that’s why I try to avoid them. But it does love natural products, which is so great.

When I was shopping I decided to try the Italian Red Grape conditioner first by the Desert Essence. Even though my hair isn’t color treated, I still opted for this product as the smell was just amazing.

And I always have a lot of shampoos so I bought the conditioner solo.

I love all-naturally packed hair products as they truly make my hair shiny and de-tangled.



Price: $8

Package quantity: 237 ml (8 oz)

Manufacturer: USA

All the Desert Essence products look yummy and eye-catching. Fruit, berries, everything that girls love so much. It’s difficult to believe but I was captivated by the packaging and I guess that the packaging was more than 50% of the reason I bought this product. And of course I was charmed by the rave reviews that all said the product was fabulous!

As for the price, look for this product online as there are always good price offers.


The tube with the conditioner is rather big. 237 ml, by the way. I think that this tube will go half of my life minimum, since I gave short hair. The spending isn’t economical... average, I should say.



The flip top cap is very convenient. But still I prefer to screw it off as I think that the product comes out less this way and hence the spending won’t be too big. The tube was sealed with foil. Inside the bottle there’s an interesting detail that makes the product look wavy when it comes out. This is the reason why I keep screwing the top off each time I use this conditioner. Smile


The ingredients are natural which I’m very happy about.


Color, smell and consistency:

the product is of light-milky color with a strong smell of grapes to it. The consistency is soft yet bouncy. The product is easy to spread all over my hair, as it slips rather well. I like that there is no residue or oily film after I rinse the product off.


For example I have a professional hair mask by Estel which is silicone-infused. And after I’ve tried the Desert Essence conditioner, I could clearly see the difference between the organic and non-organic products. Organic products can be compared with water as they are a little bit runnier and sink in within a few seconds, while silicone-based product seem to stay on the surface of the hair leaving a film that covers every hair. I think that’s bad, as the hair doesn’t “breathe” and there can be the consequences like dandruff, frizzy hair and so on.

Use and my experience with the Desert Essence Italian Red Grape hair conditioner:

My hair is oily at the roots and dry at the ends. It’s also very thin and there isn’t a lot of it.

I wash my hair everyday but sometimes I come home too tired or lazy that I skip washing my hair. But when I bought the Desert Essence my hair washing routine has changed. I noticed that my hair stays fresh longer and there isn't a need to wash it everyday. And that doesn’t mean that I’m lazy or walk with my hair dirty, no, it just doesn’t look greasy by the end of the day and looks rather fresh the next day. 

I usually apply the conditioner on my well squeezed out hair after I washed it properly with a shampoo and then I apply a walnut-size amount of the product to it. If I want my hair to look super shiny, I apply more of the product and cover it with a cling film to make every wholesome ingredient reach every hair.

The conditioner rinses off well and it was funny for me that it lathers while washing off. And by the way, my hair seems to “eat” this conditioner and there’s always not much of the product to rinse off.

And now a few words about the result:

I didn’t expect the product to give any stunning effect: just smooth and manageable hair that is frizzy-free. It shines in the sun but everybody’s hair shines in the sun, even without a conditioner.

Well, I'm thankful that the grape scent stays with me the entire day. For the smell the product gives to my hair, I’m ready to forgive it its average result.

This photo was taken in the natural light far away from the window:

And this photo was taken by the window in a sunny weather:


✔ natural ingredients

✔pleasant aroma of real grapes

✔ manageable hair

✔ my hair is still voluminous (you know some hair conditioners may weigh my hair down, but this one doesn’t)

✘ pricey

✘ average results

✘ shiny but not glossy hair that I expected


All in all I think that this product is just a treat with a nice aroma rather than a good moisturizing conditioner. I use it because of the appealing aroma. I can’t say that the product is bad. If you expect smooth, nicely scented hair and detangling from a conditioner, then you’ll love this one. But I need something more and especially shiny hair that I didn’t get from this product. I assess it with 4 stars with a minus.

I can recommend it to those who are seeking for the all-natural hair conditioner. Lovers of silicones, you’d better skip this product.


Thanks for your attention!

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Avde eva recommends Desert Essence Italian Red Grape Conditioner

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