Greetings guys!
Today I want to make a review of my little helper that is on a lookout for my teeth. It was my dream to buy an electric toothbrush but I was afraid that after a few uses I would toss it and stop using it.
Well, it took me a while to understand that I’m pretty serious about the electric toothbrushes and I even gave myself a promise that if I buy it, I’ll use it everyday. So, one day I bought the Braun Oral-B Vitality CrossAction.
I had some demands for my electric toothbrush, like it should be of good quality, affordably-priced, with a timer, beautifully designed and of course it should be rechargeable.
At the moment it’s already been a year that I’ve been using this toothbrush so I have the right to express my opinion about it.
The new product was packed in a beautiful blue box with a manual full of pictures and instructions in different languages. Inside the box there was a stand made of foam plastic to keep all the details free of damage. Inside this foam stand there was a toothbrush, brush head, manual and a charger.
Everything was packed safely which is very pleasant and shows us that the manufacturer thinks of its clients.
I had a brush head in my set. If you are planning to have one toothbrush but share it with somebody from you family, you’ll need to buy a few more brush heads. I find it very convenient and economical. For the time being I use this brush alone. 
I like the process of my teeth cleaning with this toothbrush. I want to give you a piece of advice: wet your brush head with some water then squeeze toothpaste onto it, put the brush into your mouth and only after that turn the brush on. Otherwise all your bathroom, walls, towels and everything will be covered with the drops of water and the toothpaste from the brush.
The device has a 2 minute timer. After 2 minutes the brush will vibrate a few times which means that it’s time to turn it off. I appreciate the timer very much, as I don’t have to think about how much time I spent on my brushing, as it’ll do everything for me. I just brush my teeth, thinking about nothing or on the contrary maybe day dreaming.
When you finish your teeth cleaning, just take the brush head off, wash it with water and put aside to dry. It comes off very easily by the way.
The brush head rotates very quickly, so it’s very convenient for me to brush my teeth from the inside and outside as well. When my mum saw this device for the first time she said that I would definitely lose my teeth because of so many quick rotations!
It sounds funny, yet that’s far away from the truth. Mum, if you are reading, all my teeth are in their place and they are in excellent condition even after a year of constant use 
I bought it for $26.
I think that this brush is an extreme value for the money.
Made in Germany
For the first few months after I bought the product, the battery life was about 2 weeks. Now it has extended and it’s about a month or even two. All in all, even if my toothbrush is out of charge while I’m brushing my teeth, I still use it as a usual toothbrush. I wish there was a low charge light indicator. 
The brush takes a long time to get charged - 16 hours. It usually gets charged from 9 pm and take off at 8 am the next day. I know that isn’t 16 hours but the brush is charged and it works, what else do I need from it 
Well, I said that I don’t recommend using it every day. Why? Honestly because my dentist said so. She says that electric toothbrushes are great at cleaning all the plaque but at the same time they are too hard and rough for the gums. She says that 2-3 times a week is enough for fighting the plaque and at the same time keeping the gums in good condition. My gums are very sensitive, they bleed sometimes even if I clean my teeth with a manual brush. And can you imagine what will happen with my them if I use an electric toothbrush that rotates 7.600 times a minute? No thanks. If I use this brush 2-3 times a week my gums never bleed, just become a little bit redder maybe. And by the way, in summer I almost didn’t use the brush at all as I had been having teeth attended to my dentist quite often. I had some problems with my teeth and needed proper care. That’s why my toothbrush looks like a brand new one now. 
Brush heads. To tell you the truth I haven’t changed the one that was in a set. But you can buy any to your liking. On the box there’s some information about the brush heads that go with this device.
In a nutshell, I’m very pleased with my buy and definitely recommend it for you to try out. But be careful and don’t use it everyday if you have sensitive gums.