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Julija_februar's picture
Written on Thursday, September 7, 2017

I have thick, porous and wavy hair. It doesn’t look beautiful, no matter what my mom says Smile

I’ve damaged my hair by constant highlighting and coloring. My natural hair color is light-brown, which is unfortunately not good for me. Via trial and error I’ve learnt that blonde is perfect for me.

I’ve been straightening my hair by a constant temperature with a regular low cost flat iron. It was hard to straighten but easy to fry my hair. After watching a great deal of videos and reading a lot of reviews, I’ve decided to buy Remington Keratin Therapy Pro S8590. It has a pretty design, which is typical for the brand Smile The tool comes with a travel bag that is nice and functional.

The temperature varies from 160 to 230 degrees. It heats up in about 15 seconds and indicates that it is ready. The plates are quite long and convenient to use for long and thick hair. What is more, I like the long cable of the tool.

So, let’s see how it performs:

That’s how my hair looks. It is so porous, that it seems burnt and fluffy. Never mind my hair color.

On the right, my hair is already smooth and on the left not yet.

Results: I don’t look like a cover girl, but the result is quite decent. The effect depends on the hair product you’ve been using prior to hair straightening. As for me, I’ve used Indola Innova Keratin Straight conditioner that works just fine, especially paired with this flat iron.

It’s obvious that a girl with healthier and more manageable hair would look even better.

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Julija_februar recommends Remington Keratin Therapy Pro S8590 Straightener

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