Hello there! Today I want to (well, I actually don’t want but I feel like I have to) tell you about the worst eye makeup remover from The Balm, which will quickly find its way to the garbage once I post this review.
I love makeup removers that are balms. For instance, the Clinique balm that comes in a purple package is my fave and I’ve already bought it several times. But here, I wanted to try out something new and opted for the Balms Away from The Balm. I love this brand and their product. Moreover, there was a sale at that time.
So, we have a really cute and metal compact packaging, but is only 64g. That might not seem like much but given the thickness of the balm, I used to think that it’d go a long way. The product is travel-friendly, even for a carry-on if traveling by plane. In a store, I tested this balm a lot - I applied some eyeliners, glitter, and other makeup products so I could really see that it worked great. The texture is thick and greasy. It is unscented and I somehow thought that it would be the same as my favorite balm from Clinique.
But in reality, the Balms Away makeup remover pretends to be my best friend and you never expect any catch from it.
The jar is easily opened by pressing:
The balm texture:
But when I started using it at home, I had to overcome several stages of my mental health suffering.
1. Puzzlement - The thick balm seems to be silicone based and really greasy. When I closed my eyes and started to remove my makeup, I couldn’t make out why the product refused to mix with water and sat on my face in a greasy film. At first, I tried to wash off my makeup without water but then I had to use some.
2. Fright - When I opened my eyes I saw my makeup smudged all over my face along with the greasy balm. At the same time, my eye makeup didn’t even want to leave my eyelids at all. The greasy sticky film turned muddy-gray and was really terrifying.
Here I have: a brow mascara, a mascara, eyeshadows, an eyebrow tint, a lip liner, and a lip tint.
I applied some balm and massaged it in. After that, I tried to remove it with a damp cloth.
3. Anger - The balm was impossible to wash off with water or facial cleanser or any other makeup remover. It clung to my face so badly that it was super tough to remove it even with dry cotton pads. My nerves were leaving me much faster than this balm indeed.
I applied the balm over my hand with a thin layer and tried to wash it off with water. It doesn’t come into contact with it at all:
4. Again, puzzlement - After several attempts, I have finally managed to wash it off and I couldn’t make up my mind on whether I used the product right. My second attempt to tame it wasn’t successful and I had to overcome the same stages again.
5. Acceptance - Rubbish! This jar is good only to write a review of and that’s it.
The list of ingredients for those who care. Well, maybe the fault is in the mineral oil?
The balm isn’t hydrophilic. I wish I compared its list of ingredients with the balm from Clinique.
Overall - The product can barely wash my makeup off. But take into account that it would be much worse to wash the balm from your skin rather than makeup and come through all the described above stages.
Kisses! Don’t buy this trash ever. 
Yours, Lashes!