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Average: 3.5 (2 votes)

Cherryblossoms's picture
Written on Thursday, July 27, 2017
Pros: leaves no scars, works quickly and efficiently
Cons: can be painful, not long-lasting, requires a few sessions, vessels could reappear
  • Hello everyone!

Blood vessels appeared on my skin when I was pregnant and then more after the childbirth. Basically my skin is prone to such problems, as I had vascular lesions since I was a teenager. Then they appeared around my nose when I was 25 y.o. By the age of 27 they got even more visible, plus blueish vessels emerged.

I could hardly conceal these all with a regular BB cream or a foundation.

The esthetician advised me to try laser treatment to remove the vessels. More than that, we decided to correct the scars after birthmark removal on my cheek.

  • Procedures...

As far as I understood, the laser treatments are carried out in winter to eliminate hyperpigmentation. Besides, she said that my skin would require 3 sessions every 2 weeks. I was not allowed to visit the sauna and work leaning forward during that time. Moreover, I was to use a sunscreen.



The day. The best clinic, the best doctor, the best laser…


  • The first session...

I had it in February. During a treatment session my eyes were covered with goggles. Then she applied some gel to the wing of my nose and I saw 3 flashes. I saw these flashes even with goggles and closed eyes. It made my eyes water quite a lot.

It was very painful. It felt like tons of thin needles pricked me, but the pain lasted a minute or two.

After the procedure the treated areas were quite red, but they were disappearing whenever I was going outside where it was cold.

Outcome. I saw no changes after that. However, you can see that only large vessels remained.

  • The second session...

In 2 weeks I repeated the same treatment, but it was less painful this time. The flashes made my eyes water again even after the treatment. The redness was fading slower.

Outcome. The next day I’d noticed that small and blueish vessels disappeared around my nose. There was only one large vessel left, which got visibly smaller.

  • The third and the last session...

At the end of February I had my last laser treatment. I’d like to note that my vascular lesions were gradually coming back after the second time. During the treatment I had the same pain, tears and red spots.

Results. As soon as the redness faded, the small vessels were gone completely and the large one became half-transparent. My skin got even! I was so happy with the result! Besides, my birthmark scars were hardly noticeable!

  • In a month...

You can see the results below. I think 3 sessions were not enough to get rid of this large vessel for good.

The result is clear, but I was hoping that they would be gone forever. The small blood vessels were coming back over time, but scars were getting less visible on the contrary.

You can easily cover all these up with a BB cream or any foundation and powder, however.

  • Outcome...

Smile Removes blood vessels

Sad pricey

Sad vessels reappear

Sad no long-lasting effect


To be honest, I have quite a controversial opinion about the laser treatment. On the one hand, I’m glad I underwent it. On the other hand, it was pricey.

I would recommend laser blood vessel removal for the moment!


Thank you for having me!


❦ Cherryblossoms ❦

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Cherryblossoms recommends Laser Blood Vessel Removal

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Category: Skin Care
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