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Mrs. July's picture
Written on Friday, November 2, 2018

I just ordered the Colorista 1-Day Spray to take some nice colorful photos without damaging my hair ♥

I bought the product in the shade Hot Pink.


By nature, I have light blond undyed hair, so I did not know in advance if the color pigment would be visible on my hair.




Put a towel on your shoulders to avoid smearing your clothes.


Shake the spay can vigorously and spray the product on the hair from a distance of 4-6 inches.


Let the hair dry a bit and then comb it through (once).


Fix the hair with a hairspray so that the hairstyle will last until the evening.


First, I made curls. Then I sprayed the dye onto my hair.


The color was distinctive from the very beginning ♥


Originally, I only wanted to dye a few strands of pink without touching the hairline.


However, something went wrong.


Look at the result:


Does the spray stain the clothes?


Yes, it leaves some stains on the t-shirt, especially on the back, but they wash out very quickly. I believe that the product would look better in pigtails ♥


Does the spray wash quickly out of the hair?


For the most part, the color washed off after the first hair wash, as the manufacturer promises. But some strands were still colorful after 2-3 washes


Is it economical in consumption?


Several girls said that the bottle lasted only for one application or sometimes was not enough for thick hair. This is strange, because mine lasted for two applications.

CONCLUSION: This is a nice hair dye to change the look and take great shots or just take selfies at home


I am sure that I will try more shades. I would like to try another shade of gray.


And do you want to change your hair color for one day ??

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Mrs. July recommends L'Oreal Paris Colorista 1-Day Hair Spray Hair Color

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