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Crocodile's picture
Written on Friday, June 9, 2017
Pros: 99.9% germ killing factor, a little goes a long way, incredibly delicious smell, no stains, no stickiness, skin moisture
Cons: quite pricey

Hello dear squeamish readers of my review. Today I want to draw your attention to one cute and useful thing like anti-bacterial hand gel by the famous Bath & Body Works brand!

So, when visiting their store I bought these three cuties!

Here they are, my three magic wands - two red ones and one blue. (Now I regret so much that I haven’t bought some more)

But today we’ll speak only about one of them - Vanilla berry sorbet

I’ll structure my review and start with the advantages:

its smell is so pleasant. It’s not at all off-putting and felt only if you put your hand close to your nose Smile The scent lingers well and stays on even after hand washes (about 2-3 hours after)

it has so many beautiful and pleasant glitters to look at inside, they give me a real aesthetic delight. What’s more, these glitters dissolve when you rub your hands together, so there will be none left on them

99.9% germ killing factor

conditions hands with Aloe & Vitamin E

a little goes a long way. A pea-sized drop is fully enough for my hands.


Surprisingly, but I haven’t found any! Maybe the product is a bit pricey $2.50 per one pack.

Outer look:

The product is packed in a very stylish and cute plastic packaging. The flip top cap is also very convenient, it gives out as much of the product as you need.

Vanilla berry sorbet

The scent is very pleasant, it’s my favorite one. It smells like something tender, milky and berry like. Absolutely unique smell! The gel inside is of soft pink color, it suits its aroma perfectly well…

The way I feel it on my skin:

Straight after the application, the gel sinks in and evaporates. I feel a tender chill and moisture. I don't feel any stickiness, greasy film or tightening.

Overall: I like this product. It combines a useful and pleasant thing in one Smile I think it’s created to treat yourself, enjoy the packaging and scent. But of course, it’s up to you to decide! 5 stars to this product from me!

Size: 29 ml

Price: $ 2.50

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Crocodile recommends Bath and Body Works PocketBac Anti Bacterial Vanilla Berry Sorbet Hand Gel

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