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young_mom's picture
Written on Wednesday, March 28, 2018

I’ve tried the Benefit Browvo! Conditioning Primer along with the Benefit Ka-Brow! Cream-Gel Eyebrow Color about 6 months ago.

The sales assistant recommended I try them out together and I’m so happy that I did!

So, what is this brow primer?

It’s just a magic wand! Smile

The upper part is a cap and the lower one is a twist mechanism that allows you to pick up the gel.

The applicator has small rubberized bristles that comb through my brows while applying this primer.

So, twist it up a few times and the gel is already here Smile

After that I spread it out with my fingers to get a more even coverage.

So, here is the effect after use:

This is my naked brow:

And with the Benefit Ka-Brow Eyebrow Color:

Yeah, it looks better, but still somewhat bushy. If I touch it with my hands or accidentally rub it with my hat, my brow will probably smudge and go fluffy. Therefore I fix my brows with this primer:

As a result, my brow becomes more shaped and neat. Then a few more strokes and my makeup is ready Smile

I loved the Benefit Browvo! Conditioning Primer. Right, it’s not a staple in my makeup routine and the price is quite hefty, but it’s definitely nice to use. It makes my eyebrows look more defined and good-looking.

Moreover, this primer has an incredible scent and applies effortlessly. I love using it!

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young_mom recommends Benefit Browvo! Conditioning Eyebrow Primer

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Brand: Benefit
Category: Make-Up
See also