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miss evil's picture
Written on Friday, September 14, 2018


Stila Magnificent Metals Glitter


There are so many shades to choose from in the line, it was a torture to choose one.

I have it in the shade Gold Goddess:

It expires within 12 months of opening.

The applicator is convenient to use:

On the left the product swatch is applied with a thick layer and on the right I blended it out with my finger. Daytime light:

Artificial lights:

I don’t like the way the glitter looks when I apply the product with a thicker layer. In the swatches, it isn’t well visible but you can witness it in my makeup below. It’s a contradictory product for me because the shade lacks color base and there are only those glitter particles and that’s all.

One more important thing to say is that, even though I can still solve the problem with the color applying patchy, I can’t do anything with those glitter bits falling out. If your eyes are hooded, then all the glitter will imprint on your upper lids in a moment.

Here the product is applied with an applicator sponge all over my mobile lid with a rather thick layer:

As a “second liner” here with a thick layer. In real life it looks even messier than in the photos:

Here I decided to pick up some product from the applicator with a wedged brush and add the product over the existing one. I like this option most of all:

But I could have received the same results with a regular 2-dollar glistening eyeliner, right? What’s the reason to pay more?

You can also use this product as a lip glitter for a creative photo shoot, for instance:

Stila Magnificent Metals is a product I can’t decide on. Probably because I chose the wrong shade and others are much better from the line. But still, the disadvantages are too critical here for me. I don’t recommend this shade for purchasing. I always have to try too hard to apply it more or less even, which is ridiculous for the money it costs.

Made in the USA

Price: $24

Size: 4.5 ml

I don’t recommend this glitter product.

Thanks for your attention!

Have a nice shopping day!

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miss evil doesn't recommend Stila Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

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Type: Eye Shadow
Brand: Stila
Category: Make-Up
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