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KATE SOMERVILLE ExfoliKate® Intensive Exfoliating Treatment - reviews

Average: 1.5 (2 votes)

  • It’s not worth it! What is the hype all about?! + Ingredients

    june_07's picture

    I first saw this exfoliating treatment on Youtube, although I’m not much into watching videos of beauty bloggers... In a nutshell, the girl was raving about this product saying that it was totally worth every dollar and that she would be repurchasing it over and over again.

  • bird poop that costs too much

    Moussse's picture

    Everything seemed to be fine at first! When I got a mini-tube of the famous Exfolikate treatment, I couldn’t be happier because I love this kind of stuff.I won’t copy and paste all that information like: thousands women saw an immediate improvement and married princes after this treatment.

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