Hello everybody!
Today I’m here with a review of the ColourPop Supernova Shadow in the shade From the Valley.
I bought it from the official site. In fact, I love ColourPop makeup a lot, however, I hardly ever buy something from them. You see, the problem is that the brand is affordable and I always buy a lot which costs a lot in the end. 
In my collection I do already have several products like this one, for instance, Diamond Crushers from Lime Crime and Stila glitter and even the NYX glitter liquid eyeshadows. I mean this is the product that can’t surprise me.
I love the packaging there. Beautiful space theme, that somehow hints on what will be inside.
The eyeshadow is placed into a plastic see-through tube. The plastic is of nice quality and the lettering is still there.
The applicator sponge is soft to some extent and it’s rather furry. It doesn’t pick up much, though I still always use my brushes which are handy for me to control the coverage with.
The bottom part of the tube offers the name of the shade.
Let’s pass over to the swatches. I applied them with a featured applicator. The official site describes it as lavender with a pink/blue flip, like, totally bitchin'.
At right angle, I can make out the silver base of the color.
In fact, the glitter shines there beautifully, changing its color, depending on the angle a lot.
So now - my makeup.
1. Here I framed my eyes with powder eyeshadow and left the center of the lid with the Supernova eyeshadow. It’s obvious that the shade looks its best when used as a topper because my skin is peeking through it. It’s a recommendation, not a must-follow rule.
Use it as you want.
Full-on makeup:
2. Here I applied it over an eyeshadow. Yeah, the color combination is wild but I can experiment with it.
The Supernova eyeshadow doesn’t dissolve my makeup or make it crease.
3. My favorite option when I use it over my lower lids.
My impressionsToo bad! I’m dissatisfied. I know that it is not a liquid eyeshadow but glitter, however, the mentioned above products never perform this way.
Some time after the application (within 30 minutes) the Supernova eyeshadow stars drying down and falling out. Every touch makes the glitter flake off from my skin.
Swatch on my hand within 20 minutes:
Here I touched it with my finger. Yeah, I just touched it, never rubbed.
My first makeup look within 5 hours.
That’s bad!
The only bearable option of wearing it for me is over my lower lids. There all the mess isn’t so obvious because of my lashes. 
Maybe this is a problem of the shade From the Valley only. Or maybe my skills aren’t good enough.
As for the good I can list the shade. I wish it didn’t flake off and stayed for longer. 
It doesn’t crease, you know. It just falls out.
Thanks for your attention! <3