In the summer I always want to wear some bright and bold lips colors (yet there isn’t a weather to stop me from wearing my favorite red lipstick
). And here I was given a sachet of the Rouge Interdit Lipsticks by Givenchy.
It’s obvious that I got the products for free, though the full sized packaging costs $34.
My sachet houses the following shades:
10 - Boyish Rose
13 - Rouge Interdit
23 - Fuchsia-In-The-Know
This is how they look in the daylight:
And here they are in the lamp light:
And finally the products on my lips (I know that my lips are small and sometimes I can fail to apply the lipstick evenly):
As a true fan of fuchsia color, I really fell for the #23. But still the #10 also looks good.
The lipstick is fine and I’ll probably buy one of the shades in a full-sized package. Yet I can’t give all 5 stars to these lipsticks as they have several disadvantages:
I don’t know if I can list this fact to the disadvantages, but anyway, I find the smell and taste of the products to be rather odd. It resembles some white wine for me, which I really can’t stand. But if you like white wine, maybe this fact will become a definite plus for you. 
The staying power is average. Again, is it a disadvantage? If I were to compare these lipsticks with some other lipsticks, I could have assessed this Givenchy product with 5 stars, though the wear time of it isn’t phenomenal, you know. The products stay on for about 2-3 hours if I try to avoid contact with everything. Then the products fade from the inside of my mouth and are present there only at the contours, which is one more following disadvantage.
But still for me the product is more positive rather than negative so here I want to list some positive things:
beautiful and bright shades
thick coverage that doesn’t look patchy
non-drying formula that doesn’t show my lips relief (but they also promised that the product is moisturizing, which I haven’t noticed.) The wear time is totally comfortable (if only there wasn't any of that awful smell)
the application is fine and even, especially with a lip brush
no tacky feel
the full sized lipstick looks very stylish as all the other products by the brand.
And that’s it. These are all the aspects which I wanted to list and whether to buy this product or not it’s only up to you to decide.
Thanks for your attention!