Urban Decay 3
Hello girls!
I heard about this Urban Decay lip pencils from beauty bloggers for the first time.
I was hooked on the ad and bought myself a lip pencil from the collection in the color Manic.
For a long time it was pretty challenging to find this very color available in stores.
Shade: Manic, it’s saturated and rich with the pigment crimson color.
The lip pencil comes packed with a usual cardboard box.
The wood here is black, by the way. It was pretty difficult for me to get used to that because I’m more into the MAC lip pencils.
Wear time. It’s fairly good, and it doesn’t even matter how I wear the product - either with a thin layer all over my lips, or applied thickly or only at the contours.
Spending: it doesn’t go a long way. (I’ve use it up within 6 months, not applying it everyday).
Price: $20.00
Sharpening: this is the biggest problem for me. This lip pencil always breaks down when I sharpen it. And considering that it has huge spending, everything is done here to use it up as quick as possible.
Here’s the photo of the product applied with a thin layer all over my lips:
A photo of the product applied in a thick layer all over my lips:
+ wear time+ beautiful shade
+ a lot of ways of wearing
- the product breaks down during sharpening
- it has huge spending
All in all I can recommend you try this product, because the color selection is very alluring. Probably, my problem with sharpening is caused due to bad storage conditions. (I used to leave it lie in the sun), though I’m not so sure.
Thanks for your attention