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Written on Friday, January 12, 2018
Pros: a perfect brush

Hello everybody!

Do you love Teezers as much as I do? For me and my hair these brushes are just ideal. I have already gathered a collection of them and today I’m going to do a review of my favorite one, the Tangle Angel Professional Detangling Brush GR8 Graphite Love

My first interaction with the Tangle Teezer started with a small Salon Elite Candy Floss brush and since then I’m never ever going back to my old comb, as only these brushes can tame my hair which is almost 37 inches now.

Later I bought the Compact Styler of two colors and then I bought 2 Angels: the classic and classic extreme. It may sound strange but I still don’t have this brush in the original size, as I just don’t need it. Laughing out loud

And even though I didn’t need any more brushes I was tempted by the Angel, as its design looked super cute Shy

The only factor that stopped me from purchasing the Angel was the price tag. Even though I know that Teezers are worth every dime and they really go a long way(my first brush is still fine), the Tangle Angel costs 2 times more than a usual Tangle Teezer.

But one day I dared and bought two Angels at once to treat myself for some occasion. Smile

And I didn't think much of the color. At first I was almost about to take the Wow White (white brush with purple bristles) but then I laid my eye on the Graphite brush and my heart melted Love

But I’m sure that I’ll buy the Wow White one day too, as I know that all the Tangle Angel collection is perfect for my hair. Wink

Also I’m scanning the Tangle Angel Pro in the gorgeous colors of Rose Gold and Titanium and I can’t make up my mind which of them I like more.

Well, the GR8 Graphite brush is stunning. It shines with a myriad of silver sparkles and definitely catches the eye. It’s of good quality and there are no flaws to it. It’s smooth and very well-done.

The wings detalization is also great.

The price was about $25.

At once I want to say that I’m against fakes and dupes. Now there are piles of dupes and copies of Angels and Teezers. I’ve tried many copies (I don’t buy these brushes intentionally but they usually present me with them for purchase) and I can say that none of them is close to the original and I clearly feel the difference between the copy and original brushes.

Of course it’s up to you to decide but I’ll never believe that a copy will ever be the same as the original brush when it comes to quality. We can argue endlessly with people who think different but I know that I won’t change my mind.

Sizes of the Tangle Angel:

  • Baby - 8 cm.

  • Cherub - 15 cm.

  • Classic (mine) - 19 cm.

  • Extreme (mine) - 24 cm.

There’s also a Pet collection but I didn’t like it so I won’t bother you with its sizes.

At first I was thinking of buying the Cherub but then changed my mind and absolutely don’t regret it. It might seem that the difference of 4 cm is minor, though actually it’s huge. The handle there is very small and the size of the wings hence the size of the brush is reduced proportionally. And when I saw this brush compared with a girl’s hand in a review, I quickly forgot about the Chereb brush even though it was less pricey.

Cherub will not do well with long hair, it’ll look as combing mane hair with a toothbrush. It’ll do better with middle-length hair.

Here’s a photo of Extreme and Classic brushes in comparison:

The size of the Classic brush (19 cm) may look bulky but it isn't. I even expected it to be a little bigger. It’s ergonomic, neither heavy nor light, just of the right weight.

The handle is balanced and very stable. I store my brushes vertically on my shelf.

The bristles are of two sizes, but in general they are longer than on the Salon Elite brush. They are plastic, flexible and placed around the surface of the brush.

By the way, the product is made of anti-bacterial material.

I don't know why they did it as I take hair brushes as a personal hygiene item and never let anybody use them.

About my hair: it’s long, too long maybe, thick and frizzy. It tends to go static and knots. I used to bleach it, so it’s dry.

Before having the Tangle brushes there wasn’t a brush to comb my hair well with no damage. I’ve tried all kinds of brushes starting from hair picks and finishing with natural bristle brushes or those made of metal. I even tried the brush with balls on the tips and it didn’t go longer than 20 cm of my hair even if I combed it from the ends to the roots. The same was with hair picks. And the natural bristles could just smooth out the upper layer of my hair. For a long time I used to use usual brushes with rare metal bristles (no massage tips) and at that time this brush was the best solution, as only this one could tame and comb my hair, although the hair loss was colossal each time.

But this all went to past now and since having the Teezer brushes I don’t go depressive each time combing it. Smile

And now I can finally be proud of my hair length which I managed to get due to proper care and of course the Tangle brushes.

So now it takes no more than 3 minutes for me to comb my hair, as the Tangle Angel does the job quickly and well. But the most important thing is that it doesn’t pull out my hair, doesn’t break it down but only combs it beautifully making it look smooth and shiny. I can see that the static reduced about 80% for sure, in comparison with any other hair brushes, so in winter I don’t look like a dandelion anymore.

I’m also sure that the change of the brush has affected the quality of my hair a lot. Later in the past I couldn't let my hair be long as it was always split at the ends and used to break down. But now since the brush doesn’t break my hair and doesn’t pull it out, the quality of my hair has dramatically improved.

I never comb my wet hair. But I needed to test the Angel, didn’t I? So decided to try it out on my wet hair. And you know what? It easily detangles even my wet hair. But still I don’t actually see any use of that: I wash my hair in the evening, go to bed and only in the morning comb it thoroughly.

The Tangle Teezer Angel is easy to wash. I try to wipe it with wet pads daily and wash it with soap once a month with a special toothbrush. My hair doesn’t get stuck in the brush, so I don’t have to try hard to take it out to wash thoroughly.

All in all my brush always looks like brand new, as it’s extremely easy to take care of.

From my experience, even the Salon Elite white brush looks like new after 2 years of use. No chips or stains. The pink bristles didn’t fade due to constant washing. So, I’m not worried for the Angels outer appearance at all.

I know that a lot of people are afraid to give a chance to Tangles since they don’t have handles. I confess that the first use of Tangle Teezer was unusual, though I quickly got used to it. I liked the fact that from the first use the Tangle was very comfortable to use and it never slipped out of my hand.

And with Angels, they are way easier! They have handles! Sometimes it can be difficult to make a ponytail with a normal Teezer though the problem vanishes once I pick up the Angel.

So, I regret only one thing - that I haven’t bought the Angel earlier: it’s easy to use, it’ll go a long way and it’s absolutely great for my hair. It’s just ideal, highly recommended! Love

Thank you for your attention,

yours Infanty Innocent

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Infanty recommends Tangle Angel Detangling Hair Brush

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