If you are as lazy as I am from time to time and coming home after a hard working day you don’t want to wash off your makeup, then my review is definitely for you. The Glov products are innovative and are specially designed to make our makeup removing process easier and faster. The products are really very interesting, so just keep on reading!
Let’s start with the general characteristics of the product:
- It’s hypoallergenic and is perfect for any skin type. My skin is very sensitive and problematic. If it doesn’t like the product, it shows me with a massive break out and allergy reaction. This product suits my skin ideally. It’s so soft and convenient in use that I completely turned down any other products I used to remove my makeup with.
- The glove is ideal for those who wear contact lenses. I do, for example, and sometimes I remove makeup before taking the lenses off. The glove doesn't affect my lenses and the process goes smoothly and comfortable. Before I discovered this glove, I used to remove my makeup with facial cleansers and I can remember how tingling and discomforting it was to use even the gentlest cleanser. Each time the makeup removing used to turn out into hell and burn my eyes and skin.
- The fabric the glove is made of is 30 times thinner than a cotton pad. It’s so soft and pleasant to the skin that the process of washing your face will become a very pleasant and relaxing procedure.
- Simple use.
Wet the glove with water, remove your makeup, wash the glove, hang to dry. And that’s it! It’s so useful while travelling! One small glove is able to replace a pile of different products including cotton pads.
- The glove is reusable. Just make sure to change it after 3 months.
- My skin feels so good after I use this glove as my makeup remover. I mean my skin is never tightened or dried, or tingling. Only comforting feelings.
I have two versions of the product - GLOV ON-THE-GO to put on several fingers and GLOV COMFORT the so-called “rectangular glove with 4 corner system”. The use is absolutely the same and the only difference lies in the sizes and shapes. So. I’ll tell a few words about each one:
- Glov On-the-go - is small and compact. The size will not allow to put it on your hand, just fingers only.
This size will be great for those who are always on the go and love travelling. To be honest I love this size most of all, as it’s way better to use, wash and dry.
- Glov Comfort - big rectangular glove with 4 corners that is better to use and keep at home. It looks like a rectangular napkin. It’s very convenient to remove my make-up with these corners and take face makeup off with the main part of the glove. It’s ergonomic but I find it a little bit big for my hand. On the official site I also read that this size is better to remove long-lasting makeup products, but both my gloves do this job brilliantly actually.
And now it’s time to tell you about the process of my skin cleansing with the glove. All in all, it takes me no more than a minute to wash off the makeup. I want to pay your attention that it’ll be very good to wash your glove twice with soap before the first use.
- first of all wet the glove with water. I follow the instructions on the official site and wet the product with cold water in the morning and hot in the evening.
- then put the product on your fingers or hand and start swiping it all over your face. If I use the big napkin, I use corners to remove makeup from my eyes and eyelashes and then use the middle of the glove to remove makeup from the skin.
- then I wash the glove with soap, squeeze out gently and hang to let it dry.
Let’s look at the glove in action. I applied lip tint, waterproof mascara, eye pencil with glitter and foundation, my everyday makeup, except for the eye pencil though. And I gently touch the skin with the glove. As you can judge from the photo all the makeup is there, on the glove’s fibres. The most difficult was to remove my mascara but eventually on the second round it gave up too.
As for my eyes, mascara removing is also the most difficult there. But I found a way out, I just put the wet glove on my eyes and leave there for a few seconds. Only after that I gently start swiping the glove. Usually on the first go I remove my mascara only on the length of the eyelashes and on the second go I remove it at the roots. I don’t know whether my idea is understandable, but I hope that it is. 
There’s no fuss about washing the glove off makeup products. I always have antibacterial soap at home for this reason. The products come off completely leaving no stains or residue. But still with time some products will stay there and it’ll be the high time to change, 3 months if to be exact.
Glov On-the-go - $13
Glov Comfort - $18
These products are becoming more and more popular and I can see why.
They are real helpers and make the makeup removing process way easier and faster. I’m head over heels with these gloves and genuinely recommend them to everybody!